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Europe Ferry Explorations – All Articles

Embark on European Ferry Adventures: Our blog, news, and research posts under the ‘Europe’ tag provide an in-depth look at ferry travel within the European continent.

Explore informative articles on ferry routes, captivating travel experiences, and essential tips for navigating Europe’s waterways.

With a special focus on the Netherlands and the UK, our content offers valuable insights into the diverse ferry connections between these two nations, making it your gateway to exploring the maritime links across Europe.

By boat to Ibiza

Skip the plane, because Ibiza is easily accessible by ferry. A car holiday to Ibiza is therefore the perfect plan for next summer. What are the benefits of getting to Ibiza by boat? Read on soon. ...

Top 50 passenger ports in Europe

Ferry top 50 harbors EU

This dataset is a combination of the stats of Eurostat((Eurostat: Passenger Data EU)) and UK Passenger 2021((Gov. UK: Annual Passenger data)) data. For the second time in a row, Messina is the ...

Molslinjen acquires ForSea

View Helsingor from Helsingborg

Molslinjen acquires ForSea. Molslinjen is known for the many ferry connections in Denmark and the fast and most modern ferries in the world. Backed by EQT Infrastructure, Molslinjen A/S has entered ...

Birdwatching on Helgoland

Helgoland with 'Lange Anna' and Northern Gannets in the front

Helgoland is the best place for bird watching. At this time of year (September/October) and in spring (April/May) thousands of migratory birds come to find a sheltered spot between the red rocks of ...