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Ferries to the Netherlands

Ferry routes to, from and within the Netherlands

peno ferries
stenaline ferry
holland norway lines
wagenborg ferry
teso ferry texel
doeksen ferry

Ferries to the Netherlands

Ferry Guides the Netherlands

Dutch Wadden Islands Ferries

Ferry Guides Wadden Islands

Ferries from the Netherlands

Island Guides ferries departing from the Netherlands

Ferry map Netherlands

Ferry routes to and in the Netherlands (Calais-Dover/Dunkirk included)

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14 Ferry connections

Trending ferries

stenaline ferry

Harwich Hook of Holland

UK ⇔ Holland
6h 30 mins.
Up to 2 times per day
dfds seaways ferry


UK ⇔ Holland
17 hours
Once per day
p-o ferries


UK ⇔ Holland
11h 30 mins.
Once per day


Wadden Islands ⇔ Wadden Islands
1h 30 mins.
Up to 1 time per day


Holland ⇔ Wadden Islands
45 mins.
Up to 3 times per day
On hold
holland norway lines


Holland ⇔ Norway
18 Hours
Up to 3 times per week
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Information for ferry passengers

About the ferry routes in and around Holland

Getting to The Netherlands

There are four international ferry crossings to the Netherlands, which is sometimes referred to as Holland. Three routes connect the UK with the Netherlands, and there is also one direct ferry from Norway. Since 2022, the Kristiansand-Eemshaven ferry between Norway and the Netherlands has been added. This is a very popular ferry, so it’s best to book well in advance.

You can also travel to the Netherlands by ferry via Dover-Calais or by ferry from Norway via Germany.

For passengers from England, the Eurotunnel is also a good option to travel to the Netherlands. This is a good alternative to the ferry, especially if you want to travel to Amsterdam without a car. The Eurostar train offers possibilities.

Amsterdam is the most popular destination in the Netherlands. The city is quite easy to reach by ferry from the UK, both as a foot passenger and with your own car.

Domestic ferry routes

The most important ferry connections within the Netherlands are the ferry services to the Wadden Islands. From the Dutch mainland, you can go to five Dutch islands. During summer, it is also possible to travel between some of the islands.


 Active pensioners walking on the beach near the coastline on West Frisian Waddensea island Texel, Netherlands

Popular ferries departing from the Netherlands

Of course, many people go to Great Britain and Scotland from the Netherlands, but the boat to Norway is a unique route. This ferry sails a considerable distance and prevents you from having to travel all the way through Denmark and possibly Sweden to Norway.


What people like to know

These ferry companies sail to the Netherlands: DFDS and P&O Ferries from the UK and Holland Norway Lines from Norway.

The cheapest ferry directly to the Netherlands is often the Harwich-Hook of Holland ferry operated by Stenaline. For tourists from the UK, it can be very cheap to travel via France since the Channel crossings are not as expensive as the bigger ferries to Holland.
When you travel from the Nordics to Holland, it is often cheaper to travel via Denmark or Germany. 

Yes, it is usually possible to take the dog on board the boat to Holland. On the longer crossings, kennels can often be booked or the dog is allowed in the cabin.  There are some formalities. For example, the dog must have an animal passport, a microchip, a timely rabies vaccination and treatment against tapeworm.

If these rules are not followed, there is a risk that the dog, cat or ferret will have to be quarantined for four weeks. More info regarding bringing pets on ferries.

When using the name Holland, the Netherlands is often referred to. Officially, Holland only consists of the provinces of North and South Holland.


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  1. Hello good afternoon i would ask you ,there is some ferry which start from South spain to netherland or from spain france ?

  2. Is there a ferry from the east coast of US to Netherlands?

    • @Beldina, you have the Queen Mary 2 that makes Transatlantic Crossings from Southampton UK (and sometimes (rarely) stops in The Netherlands). This is an expensive trip though, not really a ferry. A cheap way to cross the Atlantic Ocean is not possible.

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