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From mainland Spain by boat to the Canary Islands

Sailing to the Canary Islands is an ideal solution if you like to travel with your own car (or secretly have a little fear of flying). Take your camper and your dog on board the ferry. Get on the boat in Spain and experience an unforgettable journey across the Atlantic Ocean to this sunny Spanish archipelago.

Put on your flip flops

Traveling to the Canary Islands in winter: that is by far the best idea in ages. Bare feet in the warm sand, your face in the Spanish sun and a plate of paella in front of you. Exactly that. The real holiday feeling. And that feeling already starts as soon as you sink into a lounge chair on deck of the ferry…

Sail from Spain to Lanzarote in 2 days

Yes of course, it is a long trip to the Canary Islands. These Spanish islands are located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on height of the most southern part of Morocco. Lanzarote is the closest of all Canary Islands, about 1100 kilometres from Spain. The boat trip from Cadiz (mainland Spain) to the port of Arrecife on Lanzarote takes 27 hours.

FLY OR SAIL? Of course, you are faster by plane. So for a short holiday to the Canary Islands you will have to fly… But: Do you have the time? Do you want to bring your own car, caravan, camper or pet? And are you longing for a great adventure? Then we can highly recommend sailing to the Canary Islands!

Which Canary Islands can you sail to from mainland Spain?

Lanzarote, Tenerife and Gran Canaria can be reached directly by ferry from Spain. You can get to the other islands, such as Fuerteventura and La Palma, via a transfer.

From the south of Spain, several ferries depart for the Canary Islands:

* The duration is an average, it differs per route, weather conditions and type of boat

On-board the ferry to Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Tenerife

On the ferry to the Canary Islands you can eat in a restaurant, have a drink on deck and sleep well in your cabin. Don't expect a luxury cruise ship, although there is certainly some entertainment on the ship.

It is cheapest if you only book a seat, which allows you to sit back so you can sleep. However, when you travel such a great distance by sea, it is more comfortable to book a private cabin. After all, you sleep better in a normal bed and you'll have your own bathroom. This way you arrive at your destination bright and early.

Traveling with your dog on the ferry

Tourists who like to take their dogs with them often travel by ferry. The dog can stay close to its owner and it saves a lot of hassle.

The ferries to the Canary Islands are fully equipped to take your dog. There is a dog deck where you can walk your dog and some assigned cabins where you can stay with your dog during the crossing.

What are the rules when taking your dog on the ferry? Read our special about taking the dog on the ferry.

Island hopping between the Canary Islands

Would you like to see more of the Spanish islands? Once you have arrived on one of the Canary Islands, nothing stands in your way. For example, travel by ferry from Lanzarote to Fuerteventura or take the ferry from Tenerife to Gran Canaria or the smaller La Palma.

Now, set sail from the cold and travel to the sunny outdoor life of the Canary Islands. Go for it!

Armas ferry Canary Islands

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The editorial team at FerryGoGo writes travel guides and creates route ideas for ferry travel, along with everything else that might be of interest to travelers and tourists.

  1. It’s really good that there is the option to bring your furry friend. However what are the restrictions like with this? For example, the age of the dog and injections?

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