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Ferry to Corsica

Discover all ferry crossings to Corsica

ferry to corsica

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corsica sardinia ferry lines

Toulon to Porto Vecchio ferry

Toulon ⇒ Corsica
🇫🇷 France
199 miles, 320 km
14 Hours
Up to 2 Times p/week
corsica linea la meridionale

Marseille to Ajaccio ferry

Marseille ⇒ Corsica
🇫🇷 France
193 miles, 310 km
12h 30 mins.
Up to 8 times per week
From: 100,00
corsica sardinia ferry lines

Nice to Porto Vecchio ferry

Nice ⇔ Corsica
🇫🇷 France
10h 45 mins.
Up to 2 Times p/week
From: 117,00
corsica linea ferry

Marseille to Bastia ferry

Marseille ⇒ Corsica
🇫🇷 France
212 miles, 340 km
12h 30 mins.
Up to 6 Times p/week
From: 150,00
corsica sardinia ferry lines

Toulon to Ile Rousse Ferry

Toulon ⇒ Corsica
🇫🇷 France
8 hours, 9 hours
Up to 4 Times p/week
From: 34,00

Here's how you can take the ferry to Corsica

If you're looking for a ferry to Corsica, chances are very high that you're doing so for a summer vacation. In this season, sailings to Corsica become much more frequent, offering departures from numerous ports across France and Italy. These journeys can take place during daytime, although a considerable number of ferries also operate overnight.

Considering the wide range of choices, it's advisable to begin by consulting our Corsica ferry map to determine your desired destination on the island. After that, you can compare different ferries based on departure times and prices using our convenient booking tool.

Corsica ferry route map

Most routes to Corsica depart from France. The longer routes on the map are often overnight voyages. From Italy, the crossings are shorter.

The map with all ferry routes to Corsica is quite filled due to the amount of routes going to the island. By clicking on the port, you can see the routes and click through for more information about this route.

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Check availability and compare prices

The cost of a ferry to Corsica depends on a multitude of factors. Naturally, a short crossing is cheaper than an overnight journey on a cruise ferry, but even on a specific ferry route, prices can increase rapidly as the ferry fills up, or if you're traveling with a large family and a car.

To get a clear idea of your potential expenses, you can fill in the fields below. You'll then see the prices for your desired departure, as well as alternative ferries from nearby ports or departures close to your chosen date. From these results, you can easily choose the cheapest (or most convenient) ferry to Corsica.

Maximize savings on ferry travel; Book early

The prices for the ferries rise sharply as the boats fill up. Especially during peak season, the ferries and parking decks fill up quickly. Therefore, book far in advance and avoid high costs.

All routes

  • Show All
  • From France 🇫🇷
  • From Italy 🇮🇹
corsica sardinia ferry lines
From: 50,00
corsica sardinia ferry lines
From: 50,00

Santa Teresa-Bonifacio

Duration: 1 Hour, 50 mins.
From: 32,00
corsica sardinia ferry lines

Porto Torres-Ajaccio

Duration: 3h 30 mins.
From: 50,00
corsica sardinia ferry lines


Duration: 1h 30 mins.
From: 18,00
moby lines ferry

Genoa to Bastia ferry

Duration: 10 Hours
From: 40,00

Livorno to Bastia ferry

Duration: 4h 30 mins.
From: 30,00
corsica linea ferry
From: 76,00
La Meridionale
From: 50,00
corsica linea ferry
From: 150,00
corsica linea ferry

Marseille to Bastia ferry

Duration: 12h 30 mins.
From: 150,00
corsica linea la meridionale

Marseille to Ajaccio ferry

Duration: 12h 30 mins.
From: 100,00

Travelling and Staying in Corsica

Ferries in the port of Bastia

The ferry to Corsica is a good alternative to the plane because the flights to this island are quite pricey.

If you go by car, make sure you are at the port on time. Especially in the summer, it can be very busy on the southern French roads and at the ferry service. You would do well to plan your route carefully. You can also consider staying overnight at one of the departure ports. Then you know for sure that you can get to the ferry on time.


Famous Bonifacio from above

Corsica is quite large and there are no major highways. The roads are winding, and when we were there ourselves, it took us much longer to complete our journey than we had initially estimated.

So plan your route well. It can be very useful to book a ferry close to your accommodation instead of traveling a greater distance by car.

Do you have any more questions or would you like to share an experience with the ferry? We would be delighted if you left a comment, and we will do our best to respond quickly to any questions.

  1. This map is quite a maze, can you tell me more about which route travelers most regularly or most often take to Corsica from mainland Europe?

    • To answer your question: It doesn't really matter that much which ferry you take for this connection.

      The most used one is probably Nice – Ile Rousse, but they are all quite similar. If you take the ferry from Toulon for instance it's much easier to park your car. (EUR 12 for one day) So for different reasons you can make a decision here!

      Good luck with your trip!

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