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Ferry to Corsica from Sardinia

Discover all Sardinia-Corsica ferry crossings

Sardinia - Corsica ferries

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Most viewed routes

Porto Torres to Porto Vecchio ferry

Sardinia ⇔ Corsica
🇮🇹 Sardinia
115 km, 71 miles
4h 45 mins.
Up to 2 Times p/week

Golfo Aranci to Porto Vecchio ferry

Sardinia ⇔ Corsica
🇮🇹 Sardinia
45 miles, 71 km
3h 15 mins
Once per week

Porto Torres-Ajaccio

Sardinia ⇔ Corsica
🇮🇹 Sardinia
123 km, 77 miles
3h 30 mins.
Up to 4 times per week

Santa Teresa-Bonifacio

Sardinia ⇔ Corsica
🇮🇹 Sardinia
10 miles, 16 km
1 Hour, 50 mins.
Up to 4 times per day

to Corsica from Sardinia

Four different ferries operate from Sardinia to Corsica, making it easy to visit the French island. You have the option to book this as a one-way trip or as a round-trip for a day, allowing you to explore Corsica. The route from Santa Teresa to Bonifacio is particularly suitable for those looking to make a day tour from Sardinia to Corsica.

Ferry map Sardinia-Corsica

As clearly shown on the map below, there are various ferry connections available. However, the number of departures per route varies significantly. Some ferry services depart only once a week, while the ferry service from Santa Teresa to Bonifacio offers up to 7 departures a day. This is also the ideal ferry for those who want to make a day trip to Corsica.

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Check availability and compare prices

Using the booking tool below, you can check all ferry departures and find the most favorable option for you. After filling out the required fields, you will also see if there are nearby ferry routes and whether there are departures on consecutive days.

Book your ferry ticket early to save money and secure your desired crossing

Booking your ferry tickets as soon as possible is the best way to save money and secure your desired crossing. As more passengers book their spots, the price of ferry tickets increases. By booking early, you can take advantage of lower prices and avoid the disappointment of a fully booked ferry.

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Santa Teresa-Bonifacio

Duration: 1 Hour, 50 mins.

Porto Torres-Ajaccio

Duration: 3h 30 mins.

Do you have any more questions or would you like to share an experience with the ferry? We would be delighted if you left a comment, and we will do our best to respond quickly to any questions.

  1. These routes are always over-crowded and the communication is at the lowest possible quality in the world. Just read the reviews at Tripadvisor and know what you are booking. It's not like I would advice you not to book these ferries: just know what you can expect.

  2. What I love about Santa Teresa and Bonificio are located fairly close to each other, the ferry makes sense as a means of travelling. Also my experience with this was really peaceful, I went in March and it wasn't too busy!

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