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Ferry to Portugal

Ferries in and to Portugal


25 Minutes
Up to 40 times per day


England ⇔ Spain
31h 30 mins
Up to 2 times per week


England ⇔ Spain
20 Hours
Up to 2 times per week
On hold

Funchal-Las Palmas

Portugal ⇔ Spain
14 Hours
Once per week

Travel to Portugal by ferry 

One of the first things you might notice while landing on this page is the ferries to Santander and Bilbao ferries to Portugal. Santander and Bilbao are both Spanish cities, but for tourists of the British Isles, these Spanish port cities are an ideal and convenient way of travelling to Portugal.
On this page, you will find more about travelling to and from Portugal by ferry. 
Portugal is a popular vacation destination[1]Most famous tourist destinations for UK passengers, Statista located at the Southwestern tip of Europe at the Atlantic Ocean. How to get to Portugal by ferry? You'll find advice and information on this page.

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Map with all ferry routes to and within Portugal

While Portugal is located on the coast of the Atlantic Sea, there aren't too many ferries to Portugal. You might think that at least there would be ferries from the UK and Ireland directly to Portugal, but these ferries sail to Northern Spain instead of Portugal. From there you can travel relatively easily to Portugal by car, motorhome or public transport.

Timetable, availability, and compare prices

Booking your ferry tickets to and from Portugal has never been easier! With our online booking module, you can easily find and book your desired ferry crossing in just a few clicks. Enter your travel dates and destination; the system will show you all available options. You can then choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. It’s that simple!

You'll often have to sail to Northern Spain first, from where you can travel further to Portugal.

It’s best to book your ferry ticket as far in advance as possible

The price of ferry tickets increases as more passengers book their spots. So, if you want to save money and secure your desired crossing, booking your tickets as soon as possible is best. That way, you can take advantage of the lower prices and avoid the disappointment of a fully booked ferry.

Ferries within Portugal:

Within Portugal, there aren't too many ferries. One of the more popular Portuguese ferries is the ferry from Setubal to Troia and vice versa. Connecting the Troia Peninsula directly to Setubal without dealing with a big detour. It is also a great and convenient way to travel from Lissabon to Troia.

1 Atlantic Ferries Portugal


The ferry from Setubal to Troia and from Troia to Setubal is one of Portugal's most popular ferry routes. With over 40 sailings daily of the ferry and the catamaran combined it has a frequent sailing schedule. This ferry takes you from Setubal to Troia in about 25 minutes.

Ferries to Portugal:

Option 1: Traveling from the UK or Ireland to Portugal via Spain

Ferries from Rosslare, Portsmouth and Plymouth to Santander or Bilbao and then to Portugal

You can find more information on our dedicated pages of ferries to Portugal from the UK. Below you'll find the direct connection between Spain and the UK + Ireland. 

UK / Ireland ⇔ Spain ⇔ Portugal


England ⇔ Spain
31h 30 mins
Up to 2 times per week


England ⇔ Spain
28h 30 mins
Up to 2 times per week


England ⇔ Spain
20 Hours
Up to 2 times per week


Spain ⇔ Ireland
18 Hours
Up to 2 times per week

Ferry Plymouth – Santander (faster route)

Sailing from Plymouth to Santander is your quickest option. This is the fastest ferry crossing (20 hours) from the UK to Spain and is a one-night crossing. Plymouth is located in South-West England in Devon. 

This ship takes you 20 hours to Spain and is a one-night crossing. The costs for two adults + a car in peak season are about €450,- in total.

Option 2: travelling from the UK via France to Portugal

Ferries from the UK to France and then to Portugal

Travelling via France is another option to get to Portugal, which seems to be the least comfortable one.
When you want to travel southwards from the UK to Portugal via France, the most logical choices would be to travel via either Calais – Dover (if you're living on the eastern coast of England), Newhaven-Dieppe, Portsmouth-Caen, Portsmouth – Le Havre, Portsmouth – Cherbourg or Plymouth – Roscoff.
Travelling via France to Portugal from the UK, you'll be on the road for around 15 hours to get to Porto and Lisbon (17 hours) from the Caen and Le Havre Region.
It is around 18 hours from Calais to Porto, and from Calais to Lisbon, it will be a 19-hour drive plus-minus.

UK ⇔ France ⇔ Portugal

dover-calais ferry operators

Dover Calais

UK ⇔ France
1h 30 mins.
Up to 35 times per day


UK ⇔ France
6 Hours, 8 hours
Up to 3 times per week


UK ⇔ France
5h 45 mins.
Up to 3 times per day

Portsmouth-Le Havre

UK ⇔ France
5h 30 mins.
Up to 5 times per week


UK ⇔ France
4 Hours
Up to 4 Times p/day


UK ⇔ France
11 Hours, 5h 30 mins.
Up to 8 times per week

Travelling via France to Portugal

Travelling in France is very pleasant. In combination with the ferry, most people will drive by car further south. Unfortunately, the best roads where you can drive a bit faster are not always accessible.

In France, you travel a lot on toll roads, offering benefits in time and a comfortable ride. Toll roads do not cost much, but the amount can add up considerably over a long drive to the South.

In google maps, a function allows you to avoid toll roads. Maybe that's useful.

Travelling to Portugal and staying in Portugal

Portugal is a popular destination for British tourists. For tourists, there is a lot to see and taste 🙂 Try local delicacies such as the Vinho Verde wine, Pastel de Nata with your morning coffee, or Francesinha for lunch that helps you through the day. 

Or visit and see vibrant cities such as Porto, Lisbon, and the Algarve region. These cities and regions offer a lot to see and do for various passengers. Porto and Lisbon are beautiful in that both have a unique historic centre with many terraces, shops, restaurants, and lively squares with many people.

The Algarve region feels more like a big vacation resort with cosy beach restaurants and somewhat smaller historical Portuguese cities.

In this Southern part of Portugal, you can enjoy sun, sea, sand and, of course, Vinho Verde, fresh barbecued fish, and beautiful scenery. Portugal has historically had many British tourists and has a big British Expat community. [2]British migration to Portugal,

Frequent Asked Question ferries to Portugal

There is no direct route from the UK to Portugal by ferry. From either Portsmouth and Plymouth you can sail to Northern Spain though and travel further to Portugal from there. Also from Ireland you can travel from Rosslare to Bilbao, and get from Bilbao to Portugal by car or public transport.

The fastest ferry to get close to Portugal is the ferry from Plymouth to Santander. This ferry takes you in around 20 hours to the city of Santander, this is a one-night crossing. 

Ferry talk: Share your questions and opinions

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  1. Is there also a ferry from Funchal to Porto Santo Island? Let me know!

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