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Funchal-Las Palmas

On hold


Duration 14 Hours
Sailings Once per week
Distance 324 miles, 520 km
2p+Car+Return On Hold
Destination(s) ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡จ Canary Islands, ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น Portugal, ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ Spain
Operated by ENM Ferries

At the moment there are no ferries on this route. The only option to travel from Madeira to the Canary Islands is either by plane or by hopping on a cruise that travels around the islands. However, those are very difficult to book. There used to be an operator in the past (ENM Ferries) but they are not active anymore.

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From Madeira to Tenerife ferry guide

The distance between Funchal and Las Palmas is approximately 520 km. If there would have been a ferry active, the crossing would probably take about 12 to 14 hours. Madeira is a Portuguese Island with Funchal as the main city, Las Palmas, on the other hand, is located in Tenerife, part of the Spanish Canary Islands.

Things you need to know about the Funchal Las Palmas ferry

The old ship on this route used to be the Volcan de Timanfaya. Currently sailing from Melilla to Almeria.

Other helpful insights

  • The only alternatives are the ferries that leave from Spain towards the Canary Islands. The connection from Huelva for instance.
  • This ferry used to be operated by ENM Ferries.
  • Country and/or island connection category: Portugal โ‡” Spain

Funchal-Las Palmas price and fare

The price for this ferry was around โ‚ฌ 300.


Which ferry companies sail on this crossing?

The ferry between Funchal and Las Palmas is currently operated by: ENM Ferries.

How long does the Funchal-Las Palmas crossing take?

The travel time of the Funchal-Las Palmas ferry is around: 14 Hours. Please arrive early at the harbor and calculate extra time for check-in and boarding if necessary. How long in advance you need to be present is usually communicated on your ticket or on the website of the ferry operator you sail with.

How often does the Funchal-Las Palmas ferry sail?

You can usually take the ferry from Funchal to Las Palmas (or the ferry from Las Palmas to Funchal) Once per week. Depending on the season, the amount of people on the ferry and the weather forecast, the ferry company can deviate from the timetable/ferry schedule.

What is the distance between Funchal and Las Palmas?

The distance between Funchal and Las Palmas is approximately 323 miles or 520 km.

Funchal-Las Palmas
Funchal-Las Palmas
