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Decarbonising Maritime Transport: New European Deal

On Thursday 23 March 2023, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union agreed upon a new EU regulation deal (FuelEU Maritime). The main aim of this agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector and ultimately reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

Cutting Maritime Emissions

By setting maximum limits on the greenhouse gas intensity of the energy used by a ship, FuelEU Maritime will help decarbonise the maritime transport sector.

The new rules cover everything from gradually reducing CO2 and methane and nitrous oxide emissions over the full lifecycle of the fuels to introducing a zero-emission requirement at berth for passenger ships to use an on-shore power supply or alternative zero-emission technologies.

The FuelEU Maritime plans to use a technology-neutral approach to mitigate air pollution in European ports, promote the use of cleaner fuels and energy, and reduce carbon footprint on ferries.

Plans for the Future

These rules will be reviewed by the Commission by 2028 to see if it is necessary to increase the share of the energy used by ships arriving from outside of the EU or to extend emission-reducing requirements to smaller ships.

“This agreement sets out by far the world’s most ambitious path to maritime decarbonisation. No other global power has drafted such a comprehensive framework to tackle maritime emissions. This is truly ground-breaking.

This regulation will force others to move too. Europe will do its fair share, but European citizens and companies should not foot the bill for the entire world’s climate efforts.”

We guarantee the sector long-term rules and predictability, so that they dare to invest. Shipping companies and ports can focus their resources on delivering the greatest climate benefits and the most value for money. This protects the jobs of seafarers, dockworkers and workers in the export industry, and sets an example for other countries to follow.”

The European Parliament’s chief negotiator, Jörgen Warborn

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