Ferry from US to Nova Scotia
All the possible ferries and routes leading to Nova Scotia in Canada
How to get to Nova Scotia from the US by Ferry
When traveling to Nova Scotia from the US there are three options. You can go by car all the way through Canada to Nova Scotia. From the border to Yarmouth in Nova Scotia, a drive will take you about 9 hours.
There is also a ferry service in Canada from Saint John to Digby (Nova Scotia). The good news here is that this ferry goes every day of the year. Meaning it's not just a peak season like the best option the CAT from Bar Harbor. The bad news is that you have to drive all the way to Saint John, which is about an hour from the border. Don't forget it's quite a ride to the border as well! =)
The best option by far is ‘the CAT'. Simply because this large and fast catamaran ferry leaves from the US (Bar Harbor) and reaches Yarmouth in only 3.5 hours. It's not just a fast ferry it's also an excellent sightseeing opportunity and ocean adventure.
IMPORTANT: In 2023 the CAT will start its service May 25th
The CAT had challenging years
Last few years weren't the best years for the CAT service from the US to Nova Scotia. First, the end of its lease cost it a season, then the pandemic cost it two more seasons Meaning that the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 the CAT wasn't running at all. Before that the CAT left from Portland Maine. Bar Harbor is a new departure harbor since 2022.
Ferry from USA to Nova Scotia
The direct ferry ‘The CAT‘ is an important ferry for all of Nova Scotia. The Ferry closure from 2019 to 2021 has been felt by the community of Nova Scotia and, the reopening and the successful year of 2022 has revitalized the economy of Yarmouth and Nova Scotia.
The price you can expect for this trip
We've done some test bookings in 2022 and we expect 2023 to have increased pricing on this route. You will probably be able to reach Yarmouth for $120. Round-trip fares for both vehicles and passengers are discounted.
USA ⇔ Nova Scotia (Canada)
Bar Harbor-Yarmouth
If you want to travel from Maine toward Nova Scotia this is a very interesting and fast option. The crossing alone takes 3.5 hours and is very comfortable with high-quality seating on the Cat. The Ferry travels from Yarmouth Bar to Harbor. Only active during peak season.
Drive through Canada and leave from Saint John
Driving from Portland (Maine) to Saint John (Canada) will take about 5 hours. From there though you can easily take the ferry from Saint John to Digby. From Digby, it takes a 3-hour drive to Halifax and just over 1 hour to reach Yarmouth.
USA ⇔ Drive to Saint John, and from Saint John ⇔ Nova Scotia (Canada)
Saint John-Digby
The New Brunswick to Nova Scotia ferry is what they call the connection on the website of Bay Ferries Limited. Ps. Parking at the ferry terminals is $10 daily!
Best way to travel to Nova Scotia
If you want to go to Nova Scotia in Canada we would advise you to simply wait for the spring/summer season (early May) and pick The CAT from Bar Harbor to Yarmouth. If you want to travel there off-season pick up the ferry from Saint John or travel all the way by car and enjoy the scenery!
It's worth the travel time though! =)
Frequently Asked Questions
We keep on mentioning ‘The CAT' since the name of that ferry is that well known. Actually, to tell you the truth this isn't the original ‘CAT” anymore where it got its name from, but let's not go into that. But it's important to mention that the ferry company operating this trip is Bay Ferries Limited.
If you leave from Maine US, the best and cheapest way to get to Nova Scotia is to wait for the spring & summer seasons and go by The CAT. While the Saint John-Digby connection might appear cheaper you have to travel a lot before you get there.
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How long does the ferry to Digby take?
Hi Susan,
Thanks for your question. If you meant the ferry from Saint John to Digby – then the duration is about 2 hours.
Happy travels!
Does anyone actually prefer driving through Canada or taking the CAT ferry from Bar Harbor to Yarmouth? I am Canadian and I am just obsessed with driving, maybe I should be a Ferry goer in the future as it is more economical.
Hi Taylor,
The drive without ferries to Nova Scotia are very, very long on ‘average' roads. I would really go for the ferry here. You have two options here though! So you can pick a choice in which you drive a little and ferry a little! (Saint John / Digby)
~ Jochem
Does the cat leave out of bar harbor to Newfoundland?
Hello Susan,
The Cat sails on:
Maine ⇔ Nova Scotia
New Brunswick ⇔ Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island ⇔ Nova Scotia.
https://www.marineatlantic.ca sails on:
North Sydney, Nova Scotia ⇔ Newfoundland
We hope this helps you on your journey.
Planning a trip to Nova Scotia from NY USA. We will be traveling on motorcycles and wanted to know if there are any special considerations for motorcycles. tie down straps, etc that we need to be awre of ?
Hi Tom,
Here you can read some experiences with this: https://www.advrider.com/f/threads/cat-ferry-question.470866/
This one is more recent (no tie down straps as I can see)