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Ferry to Santander from the UK

How to get to Santander from the UK by ferry


England ⇔ Spain
28h 30 mins
Up to 2 times per week


England ⇔ Spain
20 Hours
Up to 2 times per week

Travel to Santander by ferry from the UK

If you want to take a ferry from the UK to Spain, you can choose between two destinations: Santander and Bilbao.

This guide will help you find the best ferry for your trip to Santander.

Brittany Ferries is the only company that offers ferry services from the UK to Santander. Depending on which one is closer to you, you can depart from either Plymouth or Portsmouth. See the map below for the locations of these ports, and read on to find out which ferry route to Santander suits you best.

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Map with all ferry routes to Santander

Timetable, availability, and compare prices

Booking your ferry tickets has never been easier! With our online booking module, you can easily find and book your desired ferry crossing to Santander in just a few clicks. Simply enter your travel dates and destination, and the system will show you all available options. You can then choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. It’s that simple!

Plymouth vs Portsmouth

Plymouth is a three and a half hour's drive from Portsmouth. The majority of the UK lives closer to Portsmouth than to Plymouth. If you arrive from the north of England it however doesn't differ that much. Most of the time you will gain 1 hour if you drive to Portsmouth compared to Plymouth.

The cost to Santander compared

So we did two test bookings in the first month of April:
plymouth santander test booking

Plymouth Santander test booking (@ Directferries)

portsmouth santander test booking

Portsmouth Santander test booking (@ Directferries)

If you look at these prices you can see that Plymouth Santander is in this case very cheap compared to Portsmouth. Almost half the price. Also, the time on the ship is 13 hours less!

Why is from Plymouth to Santander that much better?

The extra driving distance is always about ~ 1 hour. That's the only downside. For that, you get a way lower price and you will get there way faster. (10+! hours) There is another thing that we must mention though: On Plymouth Santander, you'll be traveling on the Brittany Ferries flagship: The MV Pont Aven. Good luck with your choice =) if you want to compare prices check-out Directferries (Also our first choice to book your trip).

Arrival at Santander by Ferry

Santander is a charming city on the north coast of Spain, with a rich history and culture. When you arrive by ferry at Santander port, you will be greeted by the stunning views of the bay and the city skyline. Santander The port is located in the heart of the city, so you can easily walk to its shops, attractions, and restaurants. You can also take a bus, a train, or a taxi from the port to other parts of the city or beyond. Santander offers something for everyone: from beautiful beaches and parks to impressive architecture and museums. You can visit the Royal Palace of Magdalena, the Santander Cathedral, the Centro Botin art center, or enjoy some local delicacies at the Mercado de Esperanza. Santander is also a great base for exploring other destinations in Cantabria or nearby regions such as Asturias or Basque Country. Whether you are looking for a relaxing holiday or an adventure-filled trip, Santander will not disappoint you!

Frequent Asked Question ferries to Santander

Santander is a great place to stay for a few days. You can go to the beaches or you can simply walk down the old city center.

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