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Ferry to Magnetic Island

How to get to Magnetic Island by ferry

Townsville-Nelly Bay

Australia ⇔ Magnetic Island
20 Minutes, 40 minutes
Up to 25 times per day

Getting to Magnetic Island

Two ferry companies sail to Magnetic Island. Those are Magentic Island Ferries and Seelink. Together they sail up to 25 times a day during the busier periods. The first boats leave around 5 am and the last return trip is quite late in the evening.
  • Seelink makes the most and fastest crossings. thanks to a fast passenger catamaran, the crossing takes just 20 minutes.
  • Magnetic Island Ferries sails with a ferry that can also be used by cars in about 40 minutes to Magnetic Island.
On this page, we provide more information about the ferry to Magnetic and we show you where the boats sail on the route map.
It is wise to book the ferry in advance. For people who want to go to the island by car, this is even a requirement. You can compare prices in de booking module on this page.

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Map with crossings to Magnetic Island

The map shows the route from Townsville to Nellybay. Both ferries operate on this route. 

Timetable, availability, and compare prices

An easy way to find a good price is by filling in the fields below:

Travel tip: Book early

The prices for the ferries rise sharply as the boats fill up. Especially during peak season, the ferries and parking decks fill up quickly. Therefore, book far in advance and avoid high costs.

Ferry arrival port on Magnetic Island

Ferry arrival port on Magnetic Island

Thanks to Sealink, Magnetic Island is pretty easy and fast to reach. This ferry sails in only 20 minutes to the Nelly Bay Terminal. Since passengers are asked to be present at least 20 minutes before departure, the total travel time will be around 40 to 60 minutes.

It is possible to buy a ticket on the spot but we always advise people to buy a ticket online before departure. This ensures that you have a place on the boat. In addition, it often happens that ticket prices rise as the ferry becomes fully booked.

The Sealink ferry to Magnetic Island is a passenger-only service. You can leave your car at a parking lot. This does cost a bit: around 9 AUD.

Magnetic Island ferries

Taking a car to Magnetic Island can be quite useful for those who want to take a lot of luggage to the island. In addition, the island itself is easy to explore by car. Magnetic Island Ferries offers a number of spaces for the car on board.

The associated rates are of course higher than the prices for foot passengers, but because the people in the car do not have to pay extra, it is not too bad. Prices for cars depend on season and vehicle length, but you should think about $220-$296

1 magnetic island ferries and sealink

About Magnetic Island

Magnetic Island Beach

Magnetic Island, or ‘Maggie', is a popular island destination in Australia. The island has many beaches and there is a large national park in the middle of the island. In addition to the beautiful beaches, there are many hiking opportunities.

There is a road along the coastline that is easily accessible by car. Therefore, passengers often take the car with them on the ferry to the island.

Frequently Asked Questions

The cheapest ticket to Magnetic Island is an online ticket from A one-way journey is AUD $16. The costs for a return ticket are $32. The Sealink ferry is faster but also a bit more expensive. The ferry costs $20.50 (one way) and $39 (return).

  • Sealink ferry: 20 minutes.
  • Magnetic Island ferry 90 minutes

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