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Ferry to Hamilton Island

How to get to Hamilton Island by ferry

Airlie Beach-Hamilton Island

Australia ⇔ Hamilton Island
1 Hour
Up to 9 times per day

Shute Harbour-Hamilton Island

Australia ⇔ Hamilton Island
36 minutes
Up to 3 times per day

Airlie Beach-Daydream Island

Australia ⇔ DayDream Island
30 mins.
Up to 6 times per day

Getting to Hamilton Island

Hamilton Island is an important starting point for tourists exploring the Whitsunday Islands. It is a busy island with various accommodations and an airport where flights from various major Australian cities arrive. In addition to flying, it is also possible to travel to Hamilton Island by ferry.
The ferry to Hamilton Island is operated by Cruise Whitsundays. In 60 minutes and for about $60 you can get from Airlie beach to Hamilton Island Marina as a foot-passenger. The ferry is not suitable for cars. 

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Map with crossings to Hamilton Island

Cruise Whitsundays connects multiple harbours with a fast passenger ferry. 

Check availability and prices

You can easily find out availability and ticket prices by filling in the input fields below.

Travel tip: A luxurious but also expensive island

Hamilton is a very luxurious island, meaning that everything will also be very expensive. The ferry is also known to be expensive compared to other ferries around the Australian coast!

Ferry schedule to Hamilton Island

Sailing takes place according to a somewhat complex schedule. There are different departure ports and changing stopovers at different times of the day.
The ferry operates the following routes:
  • Airlie Beach  Daydream Island  Hamilton Island Marina
  • Airlie Beach – Daydream Island – Hamilton Island Airport  Hamilton Island Marina
  • Shute Harbor  Hamilton Island Marina

Airlie Beach ⇔ Hamilton Island

1 Cruise Whitsundays

Shute Harbour ⇔ Hamilton Island

1 Cruise Whitsundays

Frequently Asked Questions

Hamilton Island is a car-free zone, it's possible to make a booking with a car though. This can be done here.

You can fly directly from Melbourne (4 hours), Sydney (3,5 hours), Brisbane (1,5 hours), and Cairns (1 hour) to Hamilton Island and or Proserpine.

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