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Ferry to Helgoland

Discover the best crossings


Germany ⇔ Helgoland
2h 30 mins.
Up to 1 time per day


Germany ⇔ Helgoland
1h 18 mins.
Up to 2 times per day
On hold
reederij cassen eils


Germany ⇔ Helgoland
3 Hours
Once per day


Germany ⇔ Helgoland
3h 45 mins.
Once per day

The best way to ferry to Helgoland.

If you want to book a ferry to Helgoland, or Heligoland in English, you have quite some options. Due to the relatively large amount of tourists (the island is quite small), many ferries go back and forth.

You can choose from different shipping companies that sail to Helgoland from serveral ports. 

If you want to know where you can board the ferry, keep on reading and check our unique ferry map!

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Map with all ferry routes to Helgoland

If you want to travel to Helgoland, you can get there in different ways and even from Hamburg. 

Previously you could also sail from Hoeksiel and Bremerhaven, but that is no longer possible. As a result, the number of departure ports has decreased considerably. Most boats now depart from Cuxhaven.

Due to these latest changes, it is not easy to quickly find the right information online. There are also various shipping companies and sister shipping companies that sail with boats from other shipping companies. And that only for part of the year.

…So we're going to try to explain it clearly on this page!

Cuxhaven - Helgoland

You can choose from two fast ships. These are FRS Helgoline's catamarans and a boat that can be booked through Rederei Cassen Eils. This one sails with an AG EMS stickering. 

  • The FRS Helgoline sailed from Hamburg and thanks to a stopover you can board in Cuxhaven.
  • The AG EMS catamaran only sails back and forth between Cuxhaven and Helgoland
  • The regular boats that sail from Cuxhaven to Helgoland can be booked through Rederei Cassen Eils.

In terms of sailing time, it does not matter which one you choose. They both sail to the island of Heligoland in approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

1 frs helgoline

Busum - Helgoland

There are also fast catamarans from Busum. The ms “Nordlicht II” and ms “Nordlicht” sail to Helgoland in 1 hour and 45 minutes. These ships also come from AG EMS but can be booked through Adler&Eils.

1 reederij cassen eils

Hamburg - Helgoland

It is also possible to book a direct ferry from Hamburg to helgoland. 

1 frs helgoline

Travelling to Helgoland

Helgoland is 44 miles / 70 km from the coast and consists of two islands, Helgoland and Düne.  Due to the size of the rock formations and turbulent history, it is a popular island among day-trippers and those staying there for a short period of time.

The catamaran ships moor at the jetty in the harbor of Helgoland. The other boats drop anchor, after which you are taken to the port by smaller boats.

There is a ferry back and forth between the two islands every half hour.

The ferries in the harbour of Helgoland

Helgoland is a very popular destination, partly because you can shop tax-free. As a result, many day trippers go up and down by boat. But there is more to see and do… 

The island is unique, has a lot of beautiful flora and fauna, and the famous rock ‘Lange Anna.' You will find many birds and seals in Düne.

There are hardly any cars and no bicycles on the island. It is also so small that you can actually walk around it. It is also possible to make a tour.

Helgoland with 'Lange Anna' and Northern Gannets in the front

Helgoland is an island that has been conquered over the years by both Denmark and the United Kingdom. It finally came into possession of Germany in 1890. During the Second World War, the Germans built bunkers for submarines, among other things. After the war, the English blew up the entire island. The craters from the explosions are still visible in the landscape.

Helgoland bomb crater

More information about Helgoland can be found here:

Frequently Asked Questions

You can book a trip to Helgoland with FRS Helgoline or Reederei Cassen Eils. 

The ferry to Helgoland costs around €60,-. 

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