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Ferry to Belfast

Discover the best crossings


Scotland ⇔ Northern Ireland
2h 15 mins.
Up to 6 times per day


England ⇔ Ireland
8 hours
Up to 2 times per day


Scotland ⇔ Northern Ireland
2 Hours
Up to 6 times per day


UK ⇔ Isle of Man
2h 45 mins.
Up to 2 times per week

Travel to Belfast by ferry

Looking for a ferry to the Northern Irish main city of Belfast? Then you have a couple of options. There are 2 ferries running directly to Belfast. One from the UK (Liverpool Birkenhead) and one from Scotland. 

There is also a good alternative route from Cairnryan to Larne. From Larne to Belfast is a 30-minute drive by car. You can also get to Belfast by bus.

You can check out our handy ferry map with all crossings to Belfast. 

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Map with all ferries to Belfast

In the map above you can find the ferry routes from Liverpool and Cairnryan to Belfast and the ferry from Cairnryan to Larne. The two short crossings from Scotland take around 2 hours. The ferry from Liverpool sails in 8 hours to the capital of Northern Ireland. 

It is also possible to sail to – for example – Dublin and drive to Belfast. If this is an option you might want to consider, it is best to check our Ireland page for all crossings to Ireland and Northern Ireland. 

Timetable, availability, and compare prices

Booking your ferry tickets has never been easier! With our online booking module, you can easily find and book your desired ferry crossing to Belfast in just a few clicks. Simply enter your travel dates and destination, and the system will show you all available options. You can then choose the one that best suits your needs and budget. It’s that simple!

Travel tip: Book early

The prices for the ferries rise sharply as the boats fill up. Especially during peak season, the ferries and parking decks fill up quickly. Therefore, book far in advance and avoid high costs.

Ferry from Liverpool to Belfast

This ferry sails from Liverpool to Northern Ireland twice a day. The duration of this route is approximately 8 hours. It is possible to either choose a day or a night crossing on this route to Belfast which is operated by Stena Line.

Ferry from Scotland to Belfast

There is one direct ferry from Scotland which takes you in just 2 hours and 15 minutes to Belfast. In total there are 6 departures to Belfast from Scotland daily.

Alternative from Scotland

The ferry from Cairnryan to Larne is a very good alternative when you travel from Scotland. This ferry from P&O does not bring you directly to Belfast but to Larne, a bit to the north. The crossings are a bit shorter and often a bit cheaper. 

If the direct ferry to Belfast is fully booked or it is no problem to drive for 30 minutes, then the ferry to Larne might be a good choice.

Frequent Asked Questions

The fastest crossing to Belfast is the crossing from Cairnryan to Belfast. This crossing takes just 2 hours and 15 minutes. However, there is a big chance that the ferry from Liverpool to Belfast might be a more logical choice when you're traveling from the southern parts of England or Wales for example. 

There are 2 ferry routes that sail directly to Belfast. Both are operated by Stenaline. Another option is to sail from Scotland (Cairnryan) to Larne with P&O ferries.

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  1. I wanted a trip with my children in a cabin where they could sleep, why don’t you do that, it’s supposed to be fun. I can’t sleep in a seat with 2 children (both autistic) there was another sight where we could pick an am travel out so seats were fine and a return in a cabin? Why can’t I do that on here?????

    • Hi Emi,

      For which particular crossing are you looking? The ferry from Liverpool to Belfast for example is possible with cabins. But in general on the shorter routes there aren't always cabins on board of the ferries. Let me know if we can help you further.

      Best regards,

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