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Elbe ferry

Discover the best crossings


Niedersachsen ⇔ Schleswig Holstein
20 mins.


Niedersachsen ⇔ Schleswig Holstein
1 Hour
Up to 35 times per week

Where can you cross the Elbe?

When you look at the map below, you will understand why a ferry across the Elbe (Germany) between Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein is useful. The nearest bridge is in Hamburg. Seen from Cuxhaven, which is a 2.5-hour drive.

 So if you want to go to the other side (Brunsbüttel), you are at least 3 hours further.

Google Maps will, in many cases, send you to Bremen via the highway. That means driving 300 km for only 28 km as the crow flies.

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Unfortunately, the ferry between Cuxhaven and Brunsbuttel is out of service due to circumstances.

Fortunately, there is an alternative! 

…and that is the ferry from Wischhafen to Glückstadt. This crossing is actually more attractive than Cuxhaven-Brünsbuttel because it only takes 20 minutes instead of an hour.


FRS Eelbfähre sails with a considerable frequency. You can pay on the spot. If you would like some additional information in advance, you can do so via the FRS Eelbfähre website. On busy days you may have to wait a long time. The ferries are relatively small and when it is very busy you may have to skip 1 or 2 crossings.

website frs elbefauhre

More crossings

The Elbe is a long river that flows into Germany from the Czech Republic near Dresden. There are several smaller ferries on the route that may be added to the site later. For now we focus on the popular routes near the mouth of the Elbe.

Frequently Asked Questions

At the moment there is only one ferry company operating on the crossing of the Elbe between Niedersachsen and Schleswig-Holstein. That's FRS Elbfähre.

The ferry across the Elbe is not expensive. An adult only pays €2.50 and a family car costs €7. Children between 4 and 13 can join for €1.50.

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1 Comment
  1. Can I travel with a Caravan on the FRS Elbfaehre? Please let me know! Are there also tickets still open for September?

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