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Ferry to Sweden from Finland

Discover the best ferry crossings from Finland to Sweden


Finland ⇔ Sweden
16h 30 mins.
Up to 10 times per week


Finland ⇔ Sweden
11h 30 mins.
Up to 3 times per day


Finland ⇔ Sweden
13 hours
Up to 6 times per week

Mariehamn – Stockholm

Finland ⇔ Sweden
5h 30 mins.
Up to 3 times per day

Ferries to Sweden from Finland

The ferry is one of the most common routes from Finland to Sweden. You have a couple of options if you want to travel from Finland to Sweden by ferry. On this page, you can find information and guidance on how to get to Sweden by ferry from Finland and what you can and should keep in mind.

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Map with ferry routes to Sweden from Finland

Some of the most active ferry companies on the routes to Sweden from Finland are Tallink Silja and Viking Line. From Turku, Mariehamn, and Helsinki, ferries leave from Finland to Sweden, as shown in the map above.

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Travel tip: book your ferry to Sweden from Finland early

The prices for the ferries rise sharply as the boats fill up. Especially during peak season, the ferries and parking decks fill up quickly. Therefore, book far in advance and avoid high costs, especially for popular crossings like Helsinki,-Stockholm, and Stockholm-Turku.

From Finland to Sweden

There are several options to sail by ferry to Sweden from Finland and vice versa. Ferries from Tallink Silja and Viking Lines sail from Turku, Mariehamn, and Helsinki to Stockholm in Sweden. Mariehamn is kind of a stopover at the Aland Islands. 

Sailing from Turku to the Aland Islands is around 5 hours and 15 minutes, and from the Aland Islands (Mariehamn) to Sweden is another 5 and 30 minutes. This crossing from Turku with a stopover in Mariehamn is around 11.5 hours in total.

There is also a direct ferry without a stopover from Helsinki to Stockholm. This ferry sails up to 10 times a week and brings you from Finland to Sweden in 16 hours and 30 mins.

The crossings from Finland to Sweden are the following:

Finland Sweden


Finland ⇔ Sweden
16h 30 mins.
Up to 10 times per week


Finland ⇔ Sweden
11h 30 mins.
Up to 3 times per day


Finland ⇔ Sweden
13 hours
Up to 6 times per week

Mariehamn – Stockholm

Finland ⇔ Sweden
5h 30 mins.
Up to 3 times per day
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Ferry from Aland Islands to Sweden

The ferry to Sweden and the Aland Islands is from Mariehamn to Stockholm and vice versa. Both Viking Line and Tallink Silja sail on this route. There are around 25 sailings per week; depending on when you travel, this can be more or less.

Aland Islands ⇔ Sweden

1 tallink silja line vikingline

Mariehamn – Stockholm

Want to travel from Aland Islands (Mariehamn) to Sweden, Stockholm or the other way around? Then one of your options is the ferry from Mariehamn to Stockholm. This ferry originally departs from Turku you'll first sail to Mariehamn and then continue your journey to Stockholm afterwards.

Best way to travel to Sweden from Finland is by ferry

This is probably the ferry from Turku to Stockholm because of the stopover at Mariehamn – Aland Islands. This is a beautiful and scenic route; if you're not in a rush and are looking for stunning views and nature, this is the best ferry crossing you can choose. However, the ferry from Helsinki to Stockholm can also be perfect if you're departing close to Helsinki for your destination Sweden.

Frequently Asked Questions: ferry to Sweden from Finland

There are different ferries from Finland to Sweden. You can travel by ferry from the Southwestern coast (Turku) via a stopover in the Aland Islands to Stockholm or you can depart from the capital of Finland, Helsinki by ferry to Stockholm. This crossing is a bit longer: 16,5 hours.

From Mariehamn at the Aland Islands you can board the ferry to Stockholm, this is a 5,5 hour ferry ride. The ferries between the Finnish Aland Islands and Stockholm sail around 3 times per day.

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  1. Hello, we are trying to find out about ferries leaving Stockholm to the Uk. Are there any available?
    Thank you
    Silvia Deen

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