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Toulon to Bastia ferry


Crossing Toulon ⇒ Corsica
Departure 🇫🇷 France
Destination(s) 🇫🇷 Corsica
Operated by Corsica Ferries
Sailings Up to 7 times per week
Duration 11 Hours
Distance 181 miles, 290 km
Vessel type Cruiseferry
Night Crossing Yes
Categories: ,

The ferry route from Toulon to Bastia operates with greater regularity than many other crossings to Corsica, which are only available for booking in the summer. You can usually take this crossing every day. This route is operated by Corsica Ferries and it includes overnight sailings. The ferry typically takes about 11 hours to complete the journey.

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Toulon is a base for Corsica Ferries and is sometimes easier to reach than Nice, from where other boats of this company depart during the holiday season. Therefore, Toulon is an excellent choice for those traveling to the island.



These maps detail the wind's strength and the sea's wave heights on the ferry route Toulon-Bastia.

Wind speed and direction


Toulon to Bastia ferry
Toulon to Bastia ferry
