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Destination(s) 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇵🇱 Poland
Operated by TT Line
Sailings Up to 5 times per week
Distance 710 km
Duration 26 hours
2p+Car+Return in our estimation € 600
Categories: ,

This TT line ferry takes you from Poland to Sweden and then to Lithuania via the Świnoujście, Trelleborg and then Klaipeda connection. Combining 2 ferries to get from Poland to Lithuania.

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Ferry crossing to Świnoujście and Klaipeda via Trelleborg

From Poland, you can get to Klaipeda in Lithuania via the Świnoujście to Trelleborg route and then from Trelleborg to Klaipeda. There is no direct crossing from Poland to Lithuania. But with TT line you can get there with a stopover in Trelleborg. From Świnoujście to Trelleborg is 6,5 hours crossing taking you over 177 kilometers of the Baltic Sea. From Trelleborg, you can travel further to Klaipeda. The travel time on this route is 16,5 hours.

You have to book 2 different ferries if you want to travel this route. Both from TT line.

Route Map

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Tickets and Booking

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Which ferry companies sail on this crossing?

The ferry between Świnoujście and Klaipeda is currently operated by: TT line. It is not a direct crossing. You haveto combine 2 TT line ferrys. Świnoujście to Trelleborg and then Trelleborg to Klaipeda

How long does the Świnoujście-Klaipeda crossing take?

The travel time of the Świnoujście-Klaipeda ferry is around: 6,5 + 16 hours. So around 25 hours with boarding etcetera combined. If you want to sail by ferry from Poland to Lithuania you have to make the crossing via Sweden. Make sure to book both tickets/

What is the distance between Świnoujście and Klaipeda?

The distance between Świnoujście-Klaipeda is approximately 720 km if you sail it via the Świnoujście – Trelleborg – Klaipeda route
