Ferry from Marseille to Oran
Take your Marseille to Oran ferry planning to the next level. Take a look at our maps and read about connections, times, operators, and other interesting facts about this ferry.
Price & Tickets
Tickets to Algeria are relatively affordable considering the distance. However, for such a long journey, prices quickly increase if you bring a car or opt for a slightly better cabin. Given the diverse preferences of people on these routes, it's best to enter your travel preferences into this booking module. It also shows nearby departures and departures 1 or 12 days before and after.
- Algerie Ferries (Operator website)
Wondering about the weather you'll face on your journey to Oran? Whether it's the calm before a storm or clear skies with seas as smooth as glass, the maps below provide a clear snapshot of what to expect on the ferry route
Wind speed and direction