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Marseille to Bejaia ferry

Crossing Marseille โ‡’ Bejaia
Departure ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท France
Destination(s) ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฟ Algeria
Operated by Algรฉrie Ferries, Corsica Linea
Sailings Up to 3 Times p/week
Duration 22 hours
Distance km 730 km
Distance miles 453 miles
Vessel type Car ferry
Night Crossing Yes
Categories: ,

The ferry between Marseille and Bejaia runs up to twice per week and is operated by Corsica Linea and Algerie Ferries. Delve into the details of this ferry connection between Marseille and Algiers, covering the travel time involved, and potential alternative travel options. This comprehensive overview aims to assist tourists planning their voyage from France to Algeria.

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Ferry route map

The distance between Marseille and Bejaia is 730 km or 453 miles. The fastest ferry on this crossing is able to sail this distance in approximately 22 hours. It is worth noting that travel time may vary due to weather conditions or different vessel(s) being active on this connection.

Price & Tickets

Marseille is a popular departure port for the ferry to Algeria. Various ferries operate from this French port city. You can compare their prices using the booking module on our page about all ferries to Algeria.



Below, detailed maps offer insights into the prevailing weather conditions along your intended route, enabling you to predict the nature of your trip. Should you encounter strong winds or storms, it's wise to consult the ferry company's website for any pertinent updates regarding your departure.

Wind speed and direction
